
I have a question about leap indicator.

I need to do some tests with ntpd and I want to have NTP packets set Leap 
indicator in order to insert a leap second to a Linux server running ntp client.

How can I configure the server to generate a packet with Leap indicator 0x01?

Thanks in advance.
I got the syntax of ntpq is as follows

ntpq [ -i ] [ -n ] [ -p ] [ -c SubCommand ] [ Host ... ]

Leap Indicator (LI)

     Code warning of impending leap-second to be inserted at the end of
     the last day of the current month. Bits are coded as follows:

00 no warning
01 +1 second (following minute has 61 seconds)
        10      -1 second (following minute has 59 seconds)
        11      reserved for future use

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