David J Taylor wrote:
With all this discussion of leap-seconds, perhaps it's timely to mention my simple tools for leap-second checking across servers. You will find NTP Leap trace here:


At this instant, fewer than 1 in 10 of the remote servers I'm using are indicating a pending leap second, and we are 9 days away from the event. I can't recall now how long before the event it should be announced by typical NTP servers.


My understanding was that leap seconds only need to be setup
on stratum-1 servers and leap seconds trickle through from those.
On my system with two refclocks non of the other servers showed a
pending leap indication until I copied leapfiles over to them in
anticipation of distributing the refclock signals to them (which
I've not had time to complete). The internet servers I use are
currently all showing as stratum2.

David L

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