David Woolley <david@ex.djwhome.demon.invalid> wrote:
> Rob wrote:
>> Maybe Thunderbird can do it as well, when you enable it somewhere.
> Thunderbird wraps for sending and has error recovery for viewing, but 
> displays original text as written, and places initial ">"s on that 
> basis, when composing a reply.

That sounds like a bug or limitation, maybe you can fix it.

In fact I think the concept of using single lines on transmission and
leave the wrapping to the receiver is a very sound one.  The fixed line
layout originally defined on e-mail and usenet worked well on the 80x24
terminals popular at the time, but today we have resizable windows and
many people use proportional fonts.  In such an environment, the layout
of flowing text is best left to the receiver.
(so it can re-flow when you make the window smaller, for example)

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