Rob wrote:

terminals popular at the time, but today we have resizable windows and
many people use proportional fonts.  In such an environment, the layout
of flowing text is best left to the receiver.
(so it can re-flow when you make the window smaller, for example)

Thunderbird has the best of both worlds when used with conforming email clients (Outlook is non-conforming). It wraps the lines, with a trailing space on re-wrappable lines, and includes a special clause in the headers, as defined in RFC 3676, which tells aware clients that they can reflow. Legacy clients use the line wraps from the sender. RFC 3676 aware clients, like Thunderbird, re-wrap to fit the actual window size.

However, when replying, it quotes incoming lines according to the standards, so if the line is very long, it is very long in the edit window.

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