Rob wrote:
David Woolley <david@ex.djwhome.demon.invalid> wrote:
Rob wrote:

Maybe Thunderbird can do it as well, when you enable it somewhere.

Thunderbird wraps for sending and has error recovery for viewing, but
displays original text as written, and places initial ">"s on that
basis, when composing a reply.

That sounds like a bug or limitation, maybe you can fix it.

If Thunderbird is like the other Mozilla programs (I use SeaMonkey) it has a key combination (Alt-E W(rap)) which will reflow all quoted text when I'm about to write a reply and discover that the sender used something more or less braindead to compose it.

This also fixes the case where too many layers of quoting have indented the original post too far.


- <Terje.Mathisen at>
"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching"

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