On 2/19/2013 8:10 PM, E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists wrote:
Rob wrote:
Actually, their posts are much easier to read for almost
  everyone, as amost every newsreader (except yours,
  apparently) will wrap their text into the space available.

The idea of sending every paragraph as a single line and
  then leave the formatting to the receiver was actually
  a very good idea.  It works better than having the sender
  wrap the lines, because the sender does not know what font
  the receiver uses, or the width of his window.
Sender-side wrapping was devised in the days that everyone
  had an 80 character wide screen, and already caused
  problems back then for those that had different screens.

I think you have a lot of general netiquette guidelines
   to submit suggested changes to then (almost all of them).

  As well as Several STDs / RFCs / BCPs / FYIs,
   (RFC5322, RFC1855 ?)

  Then also get everyone to implement RFC3676
    compliant senders and readers?

   Then get people to use them.

  Everyone might catch up about the time your great grandchildren
   start complaining about the same topic.

  Then again usenet was going to become unusable after
   September 1993, unless within a month new users were
    conforming to _existing_ usenet netiquette (like line length),
     if not, then usenet would become unusable, and collapse ?

The Thunderbird Mail Client does NOT automagically insert line breaks
when the sender has failed to do so.  Fortunately, almost everyone
limits their line length to what will fit on most video terminals.

Thank you and please continue to limit your line length!

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