I have my mail program at work set the break the line at 66 characters.  If 
that is still too wide, please let me know. As for the sarcasm, I think it is 
unhelpful and irritating at best; it too can be considered OT.


> Mischanko posts a long post with a single line, saying he wants
> help in
> finding a news poster which will break lines for him. He has
> one.  Himself.
> It is entirely possible to put in line breaks manually, which I,
> sarcastically I admit, pointed out to him. Not putting in line
> breaks is
> NOT primarily a news posting problem. It is a user problem.
> The posting program can certainly help and I had not objection
> to
> his asking about such (although it is certainly OT). But the
> will to
> do so is what is really needed, which he showed a total lack of.
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