On -10.01.-28163 20:59, Jason Rabel wrote:
> Yes, every now and then I too, like the OP, will see huge spikes
> in my packets received/sent that occur at or very close to an
> on-hour mark at particular times (like midnight or 4 am), my guess
> is a poor implementation in a router somewhere. I've never had
> the time to track it down though because it occurs so infrequently

I guess that you *would* have noticed if it were *that* regular, but
just in case:

There are four official slots - two primary, two secondary - over the
course of the year to insert leap seconds, and since there (sadly) is no
requirement for stratum 1 servers to raise the leap flags early enough
to guarantee that that info will drizzle all the way to stratum 14 at
maximum poll intervals, (at least some versions of) ntpd poll(s) more
frequently as these slots approach.

                                                                J. Bern
*NEU* - NEC IT-Infrastruktur-Produkte im <http://www.linworks-shop.de/>:
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