On -10.01.-28163 20:59, John Hasler wrote:
> Jochen Bern writes:
>> Having computer clocks run on UTC(frozen) instead of TAI makes the
>> adaptation easier today, more difficult tomorrow
> How?

In exactly the way I alluded to on the remainder of the line you quoted.

> You just start distributing the leap second corrections in the
> zone files.  Much simpler and no more need for flag days.

No, if you start with the current UTC (delta between UTC(frozen) and
UTC(leaps-as-before) = 0), you're telling the world that they can just
as well do that job (*) tomorrow. And tomorrow you'll ask them to do the
work for a delta that most people wouldn't even *notice* their clocks
having (as it is within wristwatch-and-eyeball precision). Etcetera.
Having a delta of 35s right from square one not only avoids introducing
*yet another* fancy name for a never-changing TAI offset, but also
speaks "fix this, now!" loud and clear.

(*) Where "that job" is not only to provide the corresponding updates,
but also having people the world over *install them*, at the cost of
buying new hardware if the old one is EOLed already.

                                                                J. Bern
*NEU* - NEC IT-Infrastruktur-Produkte im <http://www.linworks-shop.de/>:
Server--Storage--Virtualisierung--Management SW--Passion for Performance
Jochen Bern, Systemingenieur --- LINworks GmbH <http://www.LINworks.de/>
Postfach 100121, 64201 Darmstadt | Robert-Koch-Str. 9, 64331 Weiterstadt
PGP (1024D/4096g) FP = D18B 41B1 16C0 11BA 7F8C DCF7 E1D5 FAF4 444E 1C27
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