On Sat, 06 Dec 2014 14:27:47 +0000, David Woolley wrote:

> On 06/12/14 12:27, Charles Swiger wrote:
>>> Some folks will be satisfied with Miroslav Lichvar's simulations but
>>> I'm not smart enough to understand them.  Other's will be convinced
>>> because they can run Chrony on a Unix laptop and save power or
>>> discipline a clock with only a few minutes a day of connect time.  I
>>> don't know who those people are.
>> Sure, those seem to have been the major use-cases that chrony wanted to
>> handle.
> RHEL, the subject of this thread, is not intended for laptops; it is
> intended for mission critical servers.

More and more of those servers end up being virtualized. Quicker reaction
to virtualization funnies, and faster convergence on VMs that are spun
up/down on demand, seem to be one of the main reasons Redhat switched to

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