On 2015-01-21, Mike Cook <michael.c...@sfr.fr> wrote:
> "Ceux qui sont pr??ts ?? abandonner une libert?? essentielle pour obtenir une 
> petite et provisoire s??curit??, ne m??ritent ni libert?? ni s??curit??."
> Benjimin Franklin
>> Le 21 janv. 2015 ?? 23:40, Harlan Stenn <st...@ntp.org> a ??crit :
>> Rob writes:
>>> Sander Smeenk <ssme...@freshdot.net> wrote:
>>>> What is actually wrong with running ntpdate to initially sync a
>>>> clock?  Why is the ntpdate.exe binary provided when 'we' shouldnt use
>>>> it?  Keep in mind that i 'just want to get to seconds accuracy'
>>>> before i start ntpd.
>>> The problem is that you give the clock an initial kick that ntpd does
>>> not know about, and it tends to have problems correcting that.
>>> This sometimes results in the problems you are seeing.
>> This sounds like total BS to me.
>> ntpd has no way of knowing what went on before it was started, and I'm
>> not aware of anything on either Windows or Unix that would cause any
>> applied immediate adjustment to have *any* residual affect on ntp.
>> But perhaps you know something I don't - please say more.
>  I don???t have a free client to test this on, but I believe that by default 
> ntpdate will SLEW the clock if the offset is less than 128ms and that 
> operation could still be in progress even though the command has terminated, 
> and when ntpd is started during that period, it gets a false sense of the 
> system clock stability as it is comparing against a moving target. I have 
> seen this before I think, in xntpd. If it is the case, then we should see the 
> same in unix, so I will try and test it.

I believe ntpdate simply sets the clock. No slewing. It could not, since
slewing must assume that the program is running for a while so it
can switch off the slewing. ntpdate just runs once. 

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