On 11-09-22 7:53 AM, Nick Sabbe wrote:
This problem is likely to be specific to Windows, and particularly Win7.

The symptoms sound like interference from an anti-virus checker.

Duncan Murdoch

After a successful build of a package (R CMD build addendum), I immediately
run an R CMD check for the same package.

Not always, but _very_ often, I get the following error:

C:\Users\nisabbe\Documents\@Doctoraat\R>R CMD check addendum

Loading required package: tcltk

Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done

Loading required package: Hmisc

Loading required package: survival

Loading required package: stats

Loading required package: graphics

Loading required package: splines

Attaching package: 'Hmisc'

The following object(s) are masked from 'package:survival':


The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base':

     format.pval, round.POSIXt, trunc.POSIXt, units

Loading required package: R2HTML

Warning in file(filename, "wt") :

   cannot open file

eck.log': Permission denied

Error in file(filename, "wt") : cannot open the connection

Execution halted

If, after this, I immediately reissue the R CMD check command, it works,
without the error.

I think this has something to do with how Win7 processes file handling
(there are known issues even noticeable in windows explorer), but perhaps
there is a way of circumventing this? It would be greatly appreciated, as
this issue is preventing automation of build/check/install scripts.

Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Nick Sabbe


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