I was wondering if anyone knows more about the state of RObjectTables. This
largely undocumented functionality was introduced by Duncan around 2002
somewhere and enables you create an environment where the contents are
dynamically queried by R through a hook function. It is mentioned in R
Internals and ?attach. This functionality is quite powerful and allows you
to e.g. offload a big database of R objects to disk, yet use them as if
they were in your workspace. The recent RProtoBuf package also uses some of
this functionality to dynamically lookup proto definitions.

I would like to do something similar, but I am not sure if support for this
functionality will be or has been discontinued. The RObjectTables package
is no longer available on OmegaHat and nothing has not been mentioned on
the mailing lists for about 5 years. I found an old version of the package
no github which seems to work, but as far as I understand, the package
still needs the hooks from within R to work. So if this functionality is
actually unsupported and might be removed at some point, I should probably
not invest in it.

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