Maybe it is worth considering to document this functionality a bit
more, or expose some wrappers in R? It's a bit obscure right now,
which seems both dangerous in terms of maintenance and a missed
opportunity (especially if people are already building on it).

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 2:06 AM, Michael Lawrence
<> wrote:
> Luke,
> Please keep me advised on this, because the Qt interfaces heavily rely on the 
> ObjectTables (btw, it has worked great for my use cases).
> Michael
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 7:32 AM, <> wrote:
>> I believe everyone who has worked on the relevant files has tried to
>> maintain this functionality, but as it seems to get used and tested
>> very little I can't be sure it is functional at this point. The
>> facility in its current form does complicate the internal code and
>> limit some experiments we might otherwise do, so I would not be
>> surprised if it was at least substantially changed in the next year or
>> two.
>> Best,
>> luke
>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2012, Jeroen Ooms wrote:
>>> I was wondering if anyone knows more about the state of RObjectTables. This
>>> largely undocumented functionality was introduced by Duncan around 2002
>>> somewhere and enables you create an environment where the contents are
>>> dynamically queried by R through a hook function. It is mentioned in R
>>> Internals and ?attach. This functionality is quite powerful and allows you
>>> to e.g. offload a big database of R objects to disk, yet use them as if
>>> they were in your workspace. The recent RProtoBuf package also uses some of
>>> this functionality to dynamically lookup proto definitions.
>>> I would like to do something similar, but I am not sure if support for this
>>> functionality will be or has been discontinued. The RObjectTables package
>>> is no longer available on OmegaHat and nothing has not been mentioned on
>>> the mailing lists for about 5 years. I found an old version of the package
>>> no github which seems to work, but as far as I understand, the package
>>> still needs the hooks from within R to work. So if this functionality is
>>> actually unsupported and might be removed at some point, I should probably
>>> not invest in it.
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