
What got me started on this line of inquiry was my attempt at balancing the 
advantages of performing a periodic (daily or weekly) update to the 'release' 
version of locally installed R/Bioconductor packages on our institute-wide 
installation of R with the disadvantages of potentially changing the result of 
an analyst's workflow in mid-project.

I just got the "green light" to institute such periodic updates that I have 
been arguing is in our collective best interest.  In return,  I promised my 
best effort to provide a means for preserving or reverting to a working R 
library configuration.

Please note that the reproducibility I am most eager to provide is limited to 
reproducibility within the computing environment of our institute, which 
perhaps takes away some of the dragon's nests, though certainly not all.

There are technical issues of updating package installations on an NFS mount 
that might have files/libraries open on it from running R sessions.  I am 
interested in learning of approaches for minimizing/eliminating exposure to 
these issue as well.  The first/best approach seems to be to institute a 'black 
out' period when users should expect the installed library to change.   Perhaps 
there are improvements to this????



 .-----Original Message-----
 .From: Mike Marchywka []
 .Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 5:24 AM
 .To:; Cook, Malcolm
 .Subject: RE: [Rd] [BioC] enabling reproducible research & R package 
management & install.package.version & BiocLite
 .I hate to ask what go this thread started but it sounds like someone was 
counting on
 .exact numeric reproducibility or was there a bug in a specific release? In 
 .fact, the best way to determine reproducibility is run the code in a variety 
 .packages. Alternatively, you can do everything in java and not assume
 .that calculations commute or associate as the code is modified but it seems
 .pointless. Sensitivity determination would seem to lead to more reprodicible 
 .than trying to keep a specific set of code quirks.
 .I also seem to recall that FPU may have random lower order bits in some cases,
 .same code/data give different results. Alsways assume FP is stochastic and 
 .on anlayzing the "noise."
 .> From:
 .> Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 16:28:48 -0500
 .> To:
 .> CC:;;
 .> Subject: Re: [Rd] [BioC] enabling reproducible research & R package 
management & install.package.version & BiocLite
 .> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Cook, Malcolm <> wrote:
 .> > * where do the dragons lurk
 .> >
 .> webs of interconnected dynamically loaded libraries, identical versions of
 .> R compiled with different BLAS/LAPACK options, etc. Go with the VM if you
 .> really, truly, want this level of exact reproducibility.
 .> An alternative (and arguably more useful) strategy would be to cache
 .> results of each computational step, and report when results differ upon
 .> re-execution with identical inputs; if you cache sessionInfo along with
 .> each result, you can identify which package(s) changed, and begin to hunt
 .> down why the change occurred (possibly for the better); couple this with
 .> the concept of keeping both code *and* results in version control, then you
 .> can move forward with a (re)analysis without being crippled by out-of-date
 .> software.
 .> -Aaron
 .> --
 .> Aaron J. Mackey, PhD
 .> Assistant Professor
 .> Center for Public Health Genomics
 .> University of Virginia
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