Have you tried "www.r-project.org" -> search -> "R site search"? This issue has been discussed in the past. With luck, you may find something there that might help.

hope this helps. spencer graves

Antonia Drugica wrote:

I'm quite new to this medical stuff. But my associates told me that we are
not free in choice of Statistical Software because the FDA has high
standards concerning this topic. But if they would prefer a specific
package (like SAS) that could mean, that this package vendourer could lay
back and hold it's hand open for licence money.

Is there any part of the ICH document referring to software packages? I
really would use R for some tasks but therefor I need arguments...

"Antonia Drugica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Does anybody know if R is FDA or ICH (or EMEA...) compliant? AFAIK


is but that means nothing...

As Thomas pointed out, that does mean nothing -- there was a group of
folks discussing what might be done to help, earlier this year, but
then everyone got busy...


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