On 1/6/19 12:36 PM, Christofer Bogaso wrote:

<This issue was previously posted in R-help, but advised to post here as a
more relevant group>

I was trying to install RQuantLib in my Ubuntu machine which failed with
below information :

Cutting lots of information...


As the builder of CRAN binaries for a number of releases of Ubuntu, Xenial and RQuantLib never played well together. Even using the current versions of RQquantLib and Quantlib, Xenial produces a seg fault/coredump on Launchpad. I could never get it work, so I don't have any suggestions on how to get it to work on Xenial.

I can tell you that there is a binary available for Bionic and R 3.5. You can find it on the c2d4u PPA: https://launchpad.net/~marutter/+archive/ubuntu/c2d4u3.5

Wish I could help more,

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