On 6 January 2019 at 21:06, Michael Rutter wrote:
| Cutting lots of information...
| Christofer,
| As the builder of CRAN binaries for a number of releases of Ubuntu, 
| Xenial and RQuantLib never played well together.  Even using the current 
| versions of RQquantLib and Quantlib, Xenial produces a seg 
| fault/coredump on Launchpad.  I could never get it work, so I don't have 
| any suggestions on how to get it to work on Xenial.

Oh, right. I honestly forgot all that drama. But eg for tests on Travis I
also opted for setting up something newer using Debian testing rather than
the trusted old Ubuntu versions preferred by Travis.  So this may actually be
an issue between QuantLib and older distros / older compilers.
| I can tell you that there is a binary available for Bionic and R 3.5. 
| You can find it on the c2d4u PPA: 
| https://launchpad.net/~marutter/+archive/ubuntu/c2d4u3.5

And there is are Docker containers: one image (rquantlib/ci) I use for
continued integration testing at Travis one image (rquantlib/run) with
QuantLib built into it -- see

Quick example confirming that Martin Luther King day in two weeks in exchange
holiday at NYSE:

edd@rob:~$ docker run --rm -ti rquantlib/run \     # indented for email only
      Rscript -e 'library(RQuantLib); \            # ditto
                  isBusinessDay("UnitedStates/NYSE", as.Date("2019-01-21"))'

I ran that command on one line here.

| Wish I could help more,

You _were_ very helpful. I honestly had forgotten that the older Ubuntus
might create an issue -- running 18.10 here.


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