Hi List.

I’m preparing  a map for color publication and some colleagues of mine which
participate on this work, asked me to put the bathymetric lines in a color
ramp of deepness (eg.: light blue to dark blue) just to create an didactic

Well, this bathymetric data are stored in SpatialLinesDataFrame Object
imported from ShapeFiles with the readOGR (package rgdal) function. Here is
a summary of the object:


Object of class SpatialLinesDataFrame


         min       max

r1 -53.01238 -26.92788

r2 -35.74499   7.03177

Is projected: FALSE 

proj4string :

[+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0]

Data attributes:

 OBJECTID_1      OBJECTID            COTA     

 Min.   :   1           Min.   :   1            Min.   :  25  

 1st Qu.: 570       1st Qu.: 570        1st Qu.: 850  

 Median :1139   Median :1139    Median :1900  

 Mean   :1139     Mean   :1139      Mean   :2128  

 3rd Qu.:1708     3rd Qu.:1708      3rd Qu.:3250  

 Max.   :2277      Max.   :2277       Max.   :5750  


 SHAPE_Leng                     Shape_Le_1                      LAYER     

 Min.   :  0.04632               Min.   :    5079                    4000
: 120  

 1st Qu.:  0.35611             1st Qu.:   39116                 3500   : 119

 Median :  0.61498           Median :   67435              3000   : 103  

 Mean   :  2.58294            Mean   :  279864               3250   :  95  

 3rd Qu.:  1.13124            3rd Qu.:  123223               3750   :  93  

 Max.   :123.74401           Max.   :13320334              2500   :  89  



Well I can plot it without any problem in a map with other ShapeFiles
(SpatialPolygonsDataFrame in this case) imported in the same way. With the
Polygons I’m able to color each item with the color I want (eg.:
col=c(‘col1’,’col2’,’etc’)), but I’m not able to do so with the Lines object
(neither with the col=c(‘col1’,’etc’) or the
col=c(colorRampPalette(c(‘initcol’,’endcol’)) function), when I try it the
same way I did with the Polygons, only the first specified color is applied
to all lines and the others are ignored, if I try with the colorRampPalette
function nothing is plotted and I got a lot of warnings (cor especificada
não é nem numérica nem caracter == specified color is not numeric neither


So, here is the doubt, is there a way to designate specific colors to each
line of a SpatialLines* Object?

Ps.: I’m using the plot() function to draw the maps (probably a specific
panel variation of sp package).


Thank you for your attention, I hope you may help me.



MSc.  <mailto:r.alui...@gmail.com> Rodrigo Aluizio

Centro de Estudos do Mar/UFPR
Laboratório de Micropaleontologia
Avenida Beira Mar s/n - CEP 83255-000
Pontal do Paraná - PR - Brasil

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