A few places seem to have good experiences with R Commander (which is (no 
offense intended) an SPSS like menu interface on top of R).
If you are a Windows based shop, yo also might want to have a look at our 
package RExcel
which allows to access R from within Excel and turns R Commander's menu into an 
Excel menu bar.
RExcel is available at rcom.univie.ac.at

On May 21, 2011, at 4:10 PM, Charles Stangor wrote:

> So I'm wondering what might be a recommended R front-end for my undergraduate 
> college students who are first learning statistics?  I'm tired of paying for 
> SPSS but I can't ask them to learn the command lines.
> Thanks
> Charles Stangor
> Professor and Associate Chair
> Department of Psychology
> University of Maryland
> Executive Officer, Society of Experimental Social Psychology
> http://sites.google.com/site/charlesstangor/
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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