Gene Hunt said:

Brian Sidlauskas did this in an Evolution paper in 2008 (based on Yang and Rannala 1997):

Sidlauskas, Brian L. 2008. Continuous and arrested morphological diversification in sister clades of characiform fishes: a phylomorphospace approach. Evolution 62(12): 3135-3156.

He had a morphological tree without fossil or molecular branch lengths. The branch lengths were based on rates of speciation, extinction and sampling, and so it would be a different approach than the coalescent theory, I believe. I think Brian has R code for it; you may want to contact him directly.

In my 2004 book, on pages 570-571 I note the use of a time transformation that makes simulation of birth-death processes easy. This is based on Bruce Rannala's 1997 work.

If you want to start out with the first fork in the tree at time T ago, you want to take your N tip species and choose uniformly from 2, 3, ..., N-1 to choose the number of those tips that are descended from the left branch of the fork. Say this is called K. Then you need to simulate a birth-death process for K tips (the subtree descended from the left fork), and another for N-K tips for the right fork. The result will be a fairly quick algorithm for simulating a BD process that has its oldest fork T units of time ago and leads to exactly N tips.

If instead you just want the process to start T units of time ago, and have the oldest fork occur some time after that (determined by the BD process), then that is even easier using the time- transformation trick.

I do not know the R packages well enough to know whether one of them implements this, but I am sure someone will comment on that.

Joe Felsenstein,
 Dept. of Genome Sciences, Univ. of Washington
 Box 355065, Seattle, WA 98195-5065 USA

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