Thanks very much Tanja and Joe,

I think these suggestions for sorting will be very useful; we were trying to
do something similar (but very "hacker-ish") and with this theoretical basis
I'm sure we'll pull it off.

And for BD, the time transformation should be perfect.

Thanks very much--

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 7:27 AM, Stadler Tanja <>wrote:

> Hey Andy,
> Simulating the bifurcation times in a tree with n extant species and age t
> (where t is either mrca or the origin of the first species), assuming
> constant speciation and extinction rates (and possibly a sampling
> probability rho), can be done within the R package TreeSim using the
> function:
> Note: the output is a tree with branch length. Therefore, use
> branching.times(tree) for obtaining the bifurcation times. These bifurcation
> times can be put on your constrained tree topology in the following:
> 1) "sort" (or "rank") the interior nodes in your tree where each sorting is
> equally likely (the resulting tree is called ranked tree, see eg
> Semple&Steel Phylogenetics 2003. For sorting the nodes uniformly at random,
> you can use the shuffle idea introduced in Ford, Matsen, Stadler 2009 Syst
> Biol).
> 2) Then the i-th largest branching time is put on the i-th node in your
> tree.
> 1-2) works as ranked tree and branching time distribution are independent
> under the birth-death process and each ranked tree has equal probability.
> Simulating 1) is fairly easy with this shuffle concept, if you have
> questions or need help, let me know!
> Best
> Tanja Stadler
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