Paolo Piras wrote --

Using Felsenstein's (1985) phylogenetic independent
contrasts (pic); This is also a Brownian-motion based
estimator, but it only takes descendants of each node
into account in reconstructing the state at that node.
More basal nodes are ignored.

I  THINK that, on the opposite, more basal nodes are
NOT ignored in gls and for this reason results can
differ slightly
I'm wrong?

The contrast algorithm if continued to the root,
makes the correct ancestral reconstruction for the root.
You are correct that values for higher nodes in the
tree are not the correct ML reconstruction for those
nodes.  If the tree is rerooted at any interior node
and the algorithm used for that, then that node's
reconstruction will be correct.  There are ways of
re-using information so that the total effort of doing this
for all interior nodes will be no worse than about twice
that of a single pass through the tree.

However people may prefer to use PGLS, which if
properly done should give the proper estimates for
all nodes.  There is some discussion of this in
Rohlf's 2001 paper in Evolution.

Joe Felsenstein,
 Dept. of Genome Sciences, Univ. of Washington
 Box 355065, Seattle, WA 98195-5065 USA

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