Dear fellow list users,

I would like to assess the magnitude of phylogenetic signal in two sets of 
continuous data. Set 1 contains numerous zeros and is therefore non-normal. Set 
2 contains very little variation and is non-normal due to underdispersion. 
Given that both data sets are largely immune to transformations to normality, I 
am wondering whether the lambda estimates for untransformed data derived from 
phylosig and fitContinuous will be meaningful? If not, can you recommend 
transformations or other methods of phylogenetic-signal assessment that would 
be preferable?

Thank you very much,


Dr. Nina Hobbhahn
Post-doctoral fellow
Lab of Prof. S. D. Johnson
School of Life Sciences
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Private Bag X01
Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
South Africa

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