Dear All,

I am trying to test whether a binomial character state (photoblastic
seeds vs indifferent responsive seeds) in species of Cactaceae is
affected by seed mass or length. 1) Is there a meas of identifying
phylogenetic signal for a two character state? 2) Is there a way of
testing what factor (both continuous seed mass/length) affects
photoblastic rersponse, maybe a GLMM?


Dr. Jordan Golubov
Lab. Ecologia, Sistematica y FisiologiaVegetal
Departamento El Hombre y Su Ambiente
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Calz. del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Coyoacán
04960, México D. F. México

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
without accepting it".

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