
Regarding the blog and the feasibility of MCMCglmm for threshold models:

If y1 is binary and y2 is normal, then the univariate analysis would be:


m1<-MCMCglmm(y1~y2, random=~species,ginverse=list(species=Ainv), data=my.data, prior=my.prior, family="ordinal")

family="ordinal" uses probit link (the original threshold model), family="categorical" uses logit link.

The bivariate analysis would be

m2<-MCMCglmm(cbind(y2,y1)~trait, random=~us(trait):species,rcov=us(trait):units, ginverse=list(species=Ainv), data=my.data, prior=prior, family=c("ordinal", "gaussian"))

here 2x2 covariance matrices are set up at the phylogenetic and residual level. If we have these matrices as Va and Ve, then the assumption of the univariate model is that Va[2,1]/Va[1,1] = Ve[2,1]/Ve[1,1]. Alternative covariance structures could be used, for example ~idh(trait):species sets Va[2,1]=0 and ~idh(trait):units sets Ve[2,1]=0. Other less useful covariance functions for this type of model might be ~idv(trait):species (Va[2,1]=0, Va[1,1]=Va[2,2]) and ~species (Va[2,1]=Va[1,1]=Va[2,2]).

The prior is important in models with discrete characters, because the residual variation is not identifiable. I fix it a priori at one, for example in the univariate model:

prior$R=list(V=1, fix=1)

and the bivariate model

prior$R=list(V=diag(2), fix=2, nu=1.002)

although you need to be more careful here, because the residual variation in y2 is identifiable and may be sensitive to the prior (inverse gamma in this instance). Note the ordering of the response (y2,y1) so that fix=2 fixes Ve[2,2]=1 (the residual variance of the binary character).

The choice of fixing it at one is entirely arbitrary (most software chooses zero). Different values do change the estimates, but they can always be rescaled to what would have been estimated given another choice (see CourseNotes).

I see there was some discussion of what to do when y1 has more than 2 states. family="ordinal" takes any number of states which are taken to be ordered. family="categorical" takes any number of states which are not ordered. "categorical" with probit link could be implemented (literally change plogis to pnorm at the 2/3 places it appears in the C code) but my guess is the answers will be indistinguishable in most cases.

There are some drawbacks to modelling dependencies through correlated overdispersion (residuals) for non-gaussian data. However, I think these drawbacks do not apply to discrete data where overdispersion does not exist.

With regards to the earlier posts on asymmetric transitions, if a probit link is used pnorm(0,intercept, sqrt(1+Va+Ve)) is approximately q01/(q10+q01) from the MK models. I have not been successful at finding an equivalence for q10+q01.



Quoting Joe Felsenstein <j...@gs.washington.edu> on Wed, 29 Aug 2012 12:41:48 -0700:

Theodore Garland Jr wrote:

Check this:

Ives, A. R., and T. Garland, Jr. 2010. Phylogenetic logistic regression for binary dependent variables. Systematic Biology 59:9-26.

In addition, check this:

Felsenstein, J. 2012. A comparative method for both discrete and continuous characters using the threshold model. American Naturalist 179: 145-156.

Joe Felsenstein      j...@gs.washington.edu
Dept of Genome Sciences and Dept of Biology, Univ. of Washington, Box 5065, Seattle Wa 98195-5065

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