
my 1st post here...by 'accident' I stumbled upon Floss Weekly episode about
Racket, liked it, visited web sites, read few posts (Why Lisp? Why Racket? is
*very* inspirational), watched some RacketCon videos, skimmed over mailing
list archive...and now have a question.

For some time I am considering which language to use for some open-source
hobby project, iow. multi-platform desktop app.

In recent years, for whatever reason, I was playing with Haskell - like FP
paradigm, but noticed it's not very popular for GUI desktop apps and the
state of GUI bindings is not thrilling.

Explored some other languages like D, OCaml, Ada...but, amongst other things,
all of them seems to be not the best fit for desktop app.[1]

Of course, one alternative would  be to simply use Python and try to speed up
critical parts with Cython or something similar, but writing lot of unit
tests to circumvent lack of decent type system is no go for me.

Otoh, I want to be productive and avoid fiddling with low(er)-level
stuff which excludes C(++) and I was never fan of Java and its VM.

At the end, I considered Go mostly due to nice tooling support (I also use
Hugo -static site generator), active community, but being aware that its type
system is lacking.

Now, after I've found out about Racket which includes multi-platform
abstracted GUI library (as well as static-site generator - Frog as well as
Pollen), I wonder if it's capable to be used for 'general' desktop app?

In one blog post (http://dafoster.net/articles/2013/03/01/notes-on-racket/)
I've found the following:

"Sadly, RacketGUI lacks some advanced controls I often want:

    tables containing controls in cells
        However the list-box% control supports cells that only contain text.

so I wonder if it's still the same status and/or whether there are plans to
improve it?

Seeing that originally Racket's GUI was based on wxWidgets, I wonder how much
the present GUI is lacking in terms of GUI functionality in comparison with

For the app's back-end I plan to use Sqlite3 which is, afaict, covered by

Similarly, we have need to call 3rd party C lib for calculating planetary
ephemeris that should be easy as well.

So, it looks, (almost) everything is there present in Racket, so I wonder
whether you consider that writing desktop GUI app is suitable niche for
Racket making one productive and still getting decent performance?

Does using Typed Racket improve things significantly?

I did graduate software engineering long ago and was using/learning several
languages from Fortran, Pascal, C(++), but when I was about to learn Lisp, all
students had to take Prolog course, so I'm Lisp/Scheme/Racket noob except
that I wrote several setq-s when configuring Emacs.

Considering that I like learning from books, do you recommend Realm of Racket
book to start learning along with the online docs? Any other book?


[1]  I did look at Dylan as well and although the language is interesting, but 
project is simple lacking man power.

The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, 
though the taste for sense objects remains.

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