On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 08:57:29PM -0400, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Hendrik Boom wrote on 07/23/2015 08:15 PM:
> >I've heard that half-life waswritten in a versino of Lisp. But the
> >battles in half-life tend to be short, so they explicitly called
> >the garbage collector between battles.
> And now HL3 is merely delayed by a *really* long deferred GC cycle? :)

Exactly! -- for the original half-life.  I don't know about the current 

> But seriously, I'm idly toying with a game idea that needs
> uninterrupted smooth fast action (physics, graphics, world model,
> networking, controlling) for up to 5 minutes. A multiplayer game
> session is longer than 5 minutes, but is split into parts of up to 5
> minutes, with brief GC-friendly gameplay pauses between the parts,
> and afterwards you return to the GC-friendly multiplayer lobby.  An
> issue with this sort of thing in GC'd languages is that you know
> you're going to have to deal with GC somehow, and you'll have to
> prove viability empirically, after considerable investment; but if
> you were using C/C++, what you have to prove empirically after
> considerable investment is that you can do it without memory bugs.

You might be interested in the language Styx, the language that goes with 
the Inferno operating system.  I believe it uses reference counting up 
front, with full garbage collection as a backstop.

Inferno can be run on the bare metal, but also as a user process on Linux 
(and some other OS's, I believe).

-- hendrik

> Neil V.

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