I did a 2 character change to Racket (see
https://github.com/plt/racket/pull/1045), and hit make. This failed to
build, I guess because of package mismatches, so I pulled and tried
again, which failed.
Also, my laptop is very slow for this kind of thing, so I did a fresh
clone and in place build on a faster desktop, which went fine.

Next I reapplied my 2 character change and hit make again. It started
off and I got bored an went to lunch. Later it was done and everything
is nice.

1. This is a slow way to work. I'm wondering what cycle the primary devs
use? Avoid make somehow?

2. Is it possible to extract the in place build from the fast desktop to
use on my laptop (same architecture)?

On 06/23/2015 08:39 PM, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> Here's what I do for building from git, and I think it's the simplest thing:
> $ git clone https://github.com/plt/racket
> $ cd racket
> $ make
> This clones a single (small) repository and then builds everything. It
> will automatically install the latest version of whatever other
> packages you need without actually cloning any of the other
> repositories. This means that you have a pretty minimal connection to
> git.
> When you need to update again, you can just update racket and then do
> another "make" and it will download the updates for the packages too.
> Now, sometimes you will actually want to have the git repos of other
> packages. That's easy too. Since I work on the Web server, here's what
> I did:
> # Create a helpful directory. There's nothing special about this name,
> but I like it
> $ mkdir extra-pkgs
> $ cd extra-pkgs
> # Tell racket to switch the web-server package from being a tar-ball
> install to being a git clone
> $ raco pkg update --clone web-server
> Now I'm good to go to
> $ cd web-server
> $ ed web-server-lib/web-server/main.rkt
> and so forth.
> Something that is neat about the new world is that it is easy to have
> a released version of Racket downloaded from the site, but have a git
> clone of some small set of other package repos that you are doing
> development on. The only difference will be the first three steps.
> I hope this helps,
> <3
> Jay

Anthony Carrico

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