
I just created a C program that uses my Racket library via
Racket's embedding mechanism, and it works fantastic.

Now I am wondering---how to ship my C program's
executable if the underlying Racket library has runtime
paths in it? The executable seems to have been set up for
absolute paths of the runtime paths that Racket library uses.

I know that for pure Racket programs, raco distribute
does the job of handling the paths and shipping the program
with all the needed files. I tried (maybe too naively)
to apply raco distribute to my executable, and got the following:

assemble-distribution: file is not a PLT executable

OK, maybe it is not. But what other options do I have?
FWIW, I used the following commands to create the executable:

raco ctool --c-mods base.c ++lib my-library

gcc -c -g -DMZ_PRECISE_GC -I/opt/racket/include -o main.o main.c

gcc -o myprog main.o -lpthread -lm -ldl /opt/racket/lib/libracket3m.a -rdynamic

the contents of main.c for the most part copies the example
at http://docs.racket-lang.org/inside/embedding.html

Best regards,


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