
I am reviving this 6-week-old discussion about
raco and runtime paths.

That time, I did not go through with it on Windows.
In my Windows build, I used raco ctool without the --runtime
option, leaving the library tied to absolute paths in the system.

Now I am willing to accomplish the self-contained build.

Here is what stops me:

raco ctool --c-mods src/base.c ++lib racket/base ++lib mylib/my-lib --runtime ./runtime

copy-and-patch-binaries: not enough room in executable for revised #rx#"rUnTiMe-paths[)]" table
   C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\compiler\distribute.rkt:383:4: loop
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\compiler\distribute.rkt:18:2: assemble-distribution11 C:\Program Files\Racket\share\pkgs\cext-lib\compiler\commands\ctool.rkt: [running body]
   C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\raco\raco.rkt: [running body]
   C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\raco\main.rkt: [running body]

I use the latest nightly build from Utah.
Without the --runtime option, it works.
On Linux, it works with --runtime or without.
All the other issues raised in this old thread (linking etc.) were
resolved by you 6 weeks ago.

I recall that I had that "not enough room in executable" problem
more than a year ago with raco distribute, and you advised to put
some extra dots to the #"................." string in
"collects/compiler/embed.rkt" to remedy it.
However, later you reworked that module so that there
is no such string there anymore, so I do not know what to do.



On 09/21/2015 08:13 AM, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:

I just tried the 32-bit Utah snapshot and 32-bit C app -- build OK,
but the app crashed right on scheme_main_setup with zero pointer
access. It did not even enter my "run" function.

My initial guess is that it's related to thread-local storage and
missing instructions in "Inside". I'll look into it.

I see that the instructions to use scheme_register_tls_space() for
32-bit Windows are there after all (but easy to overlook). Are you
doing that already?

Oh, I overlooked that setting indeed! Now it works at least
with the Utah 32-bit build, thanks Matthew.



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