If by whiskey, Jack. Your guarantees on this matter are unenforceable and
therefore meaningless, and any further comment on my ignorance will likely
violate any CoC you care to throw your weight behind, so best get it out
now because you can't unring this bell.

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 8:08 PM, Jack Firth <jackhfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > These are invariably motte and bailey style arguments and the notion
> that the only reason I or anyone else could possibly resent CoCs is some
> desire to abuse their absence is astonishing. How you could not find such
> groupthink "censorious" is beyond my ability to sympathize with. I can only
> reiterate that CoCs are not some kind of dealbreaker for me personally but
> as this is an open discussion I will just say I don't think they're all
> benefit and no cost. My disagreement on this matter does not constitute an
> admission of guilt; to abuse a racket construct: there's a bug in your
> contract spec, it's blaming the wrong party.
> The important point is that a CoC is a choice to prioritize the safety,
> welfare, and happiness of minority groups over the privilege of individuals
> to say / do whatever they want. Sure, you might say that's a tradeoff, and
> sure, you could call that censorship, but whatever "cost" there is of
> hypothetically blaming a party inappropriately is worth paying ten times
> over for the benefit of making traditionally less-welcomed people more
> included. I guarantee you the incidents a CoC is designed to prevent occur
> *far* more often than any incidents of mis-applying the CoC to an innocent
> individual. Not realizing that is willful ignorance.
> --
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