Hi Gustavo

Nice catch on the in-list front.

I keep forgetting to do this, although I usually remember to use in-range
when iterating from 0 to n-1.

I tend to omit in-list for convenience rather than because I'm writing
generic algorithms. I wonder what the general usage patterns are like.

I guess the next step is for summertime to port this code to Typed Racket
and see how that performs.


On 26 Jul. 2017 23:17, "Gustavo Massaccesi" <gust...@oma.org.ar> wrote:

I read the solution of Daniel Prager and I have a few minor changes.

* First I added a test that repeats `build-tree` 20 times, so the run
time is approximately 1-2 seconds. This is not necessary, but times
smaller than 1 second are sometimes not reliable. I'm using:
(random-seed 12345)
(define data2 (shuffle banknote-data))
  (build-tree (take data2 274) 5 10)))
 (for ([i (in-range 20)])
   (build-tree (take data2 274) 5 10)))

* Second I modified the split function so it is usable in Windows and
Linux. I'm using:
    (string-split s #rx"\r?\n")
I'm almost sure this is not the best method to write portable code.
Any recommendation?

* The most important change is to add `in-list` everywhere, i.e. replace
    (for/sum ([split splits]) <body> ...)
    (for/sum ([split (in-list splits)]) <body> ...)

I'm not sure that all of them are necessary. The `for` clauses without
`in-list` are nice because they are very generic and can iterate over
a lot of different data types. The problem is that they create a
auxiliary sequence and use the methods of the sequence to iterate, so
they are slower than expected. If you use `in-list`, the `for` is
expanded to code that is specific to lists and is almost as efficient
as the hand coded version like (let loop ([l my-list]) ...) and
sometimes better.

Most of the times you can use the generic version and use the code
with any data type for free, but in the spots where you need fast code
remember to use in-range, in-list, in-vector, ... (For the version
that uses vectors for internal representation, you should probably use
in-vector. I didn't look at the code.)

Before this change a typical run time of the test is
   cpu time: 157 real time: 165 gc time: 0
   cpu time: 3390 real time: 3393 gc time: 63      (20 times)

After this change a typical run time of the test is
   cpu time: 62 real time: 61 gc time: 0
   cpu time: 1266 real time: 1277 gc time: 62     (20 times)


PS: I made a PR with these changes in github.

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