Hi Zelphir

Thanks for the attribution.

I'm running on a MacBook Air, 2012 vintage.

Why not run both my and your code on your machine and compare?

I made no optimisations other than assuming binary classification.


On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 6:46 AM, Zelphir Kaltstahl <
zelphirkaltst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> With my implementation of a list of vectors I only get down to:
> cpu time: 996 real time: 994 gc time: 52
> on my machine. Now I don't know what kind of machine you have, but I guess
> with such small data sets it does not matter that much and the list of
> lists implementation is faster, at least for low dimensional data :) It
> seems vectors involve a bit of overhead or you did some other optimization,
> which I still have to add to my code. (Maybe assuming binary class, but
> that should not make that much of a difference, I think. Might try that
> soon.)
> I added your code as a new file and added a comment at the top of the file:
> #|
> Attribution:
> This implementation of decision trees in Racket was written by Daniel
> Prager and
> was originally shared at:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/racket-users/cPuTr8lrXCs
> With permission it was added to the project.
> |#
> My project on Github is GPLv3.

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