On Monday, July 24, 2017 at 10:04:36 PM UTC+2, Daniel Prager wrote:
> Jon wrote:
> > Aside: if I read Daniel's solution correct, he avoids the first issue by 
> >assuming that it's a binary classification task (that is, that there are 
> >only two classes).
> Yep: I'm assuming binary classification.
> David wrote:
> > Out of curiosity, how much of that 0.5 seconds is overhead?  Could you run 
> >a simple 'add 1 and 1' procedure and see how long it takes?
> I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Please feel free to profile however you 
> like on the supplied code.
> My observation (primarily to Zelphir) on performance is that lists don't seem 
> like a bad choice for this algorithm.
> If it hadn't been reasonably quick I might have tried replacing the dataset 
> (a list of lists) with a list of vectors, but otherwise I'd be looking at 
> modifying the exhaustive, greedy algorithm itself for possible speedups 
> rather than data structures.
> Zelphir:
> > Maybe you could put it in a repository, so that other people are more 
> >likely to find your code.
> If I ever get back into ML I might, but don't have the time to do a proper 
> write up.
> Please feel free to include it in your github repository, with or without 
> attribution.
> Dan

With my implementation of a list of vectors I only get down to:

cpu time: 996 real time: 994 gc time: 52

on my machine. Now I don't know what kind of machine you have, but I guess with 
such small data sets it does not matter that much and the list of lists 
implementation is faster, at least for low dimensional data :) It seems vectors 
involve a bit of overhead or you did some other optimization, which I still 
have to add to my code. (Maybe assuming binary class, but that should not make 
that much of a difference, I think. Might try that soon.)

I added your code as a new file and added a comment at the top of the file:


This implementation of decision trees in Racket was written by Daniel Prager and
was originally shared at:


With permission it was added to the project.

My project on Github is GPLv3.

I think I implemented the suggestions made so far in this discussion, except 
memoization of columns. That could be another big time saver.

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