On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 6:21 AM, WarGrey Gyoudmon Ju
<juzhenli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been working on it, but at very beginning stage and no working code
> right now.

Are you focused more on replacing Graphviz, or a generalized drawing
and visualization library that could be used to more easily put
together a Graphviz like tool? I guess they are likely somewhat
similar goals...

> The official website of Graphviz  provides lots of papers on the underlying
> algorithms,
> I also found Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization is worth reading.

The Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization looks really great!
Thanks for the recommendation!

> On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 6:10 PM, Andrew Gwozdziewycz <apg...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I've been using graphviz for years for basic network architecture
>> diagrams and things, mostly to avoid answering the question of "which
>> annoying tool should I use?" Graphviz has limitations for the type of
>> stuff I use it for, but I settle for it anyway, since it's a lot less
>> frustrating to use a language for laying out relationships than
>> clicking and dragging lines connecting things, in an agreed upon
>> diagramming tool.
>> Has anyone started work (or finished work, or even somewhere in
>> between?) on a diagramming language that might be, or even eventually
>> will be a suitable replacement for performing these types of tasks?
>> And if not, does anyone have suggestions for getting started with
>> layout drawing algorithms suitable for such a thing? I'm fairly sure
>> that the pict language will do the heavy lifting work for actually
>> drawing on a canvas, and simple layout techniques probably would go
>> along way, but getting to know the field a bit might be useful...
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew
>> --
>> http://www.apgwoz.com
>> --
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