> > Racket doesn't play well with existing code bases (except C things) 
> > and so my hypothesis is simply that to gain adoption of Racket, you 
> > need to solve problems that aren't in the "production path." Good 
> > thing there are *lots* of those! All those Python scripts you have? 
> > All of those Perl scripts that no one understands anymore? Those are, 
> > in my opinion, the way in. 
> Funny story: That's how I cam back to Racket/Scheme. Several years ago I 
> worked on a web application written in Common Lisp. I needed some 
> "electronic duct tape" work done. I didn't use Common Lisp because of 
> its slow startup time and I was unhappy with shell scripts either. 
> Therefore I remembered that there was PLT Scheme/Racket around with 
> "batteries included". So nowadays lot of these tasks are now done using 
> Racket. 

There are some really neat packages that help make writing these sorts of 
scripts in Racket
easier. The Rash <http://docs.racket-lang.org/rash/> language is designed 
with a line-based syntax and pipelining features similar
to traditional shell scripting languages, but because it's a Racket lang 
you can import Racket
libraries for use in your script and you can extract parts of your shell 
script into regular Racket
modules as the script grows in complexity.

There's also the Scripty <http://docs.racket-lang.org/scripty/> language, 
which does something a bit weird: it lets you write what
packages a script depends on inside the script itself, and when the script 
is run it will automatically
check to see if they're installed and prompt the script user to install 
them if they're not. This lets
you use whatever packages you like in your Racket scripts without burdening 
your coworkers with
the task of making sure those packages are installed and up to date before 
trying to run the script.

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