On Sat, 12 Jan 2019 at 21:12 -0800, Hassan Shahin wrote:
> When I apply the procedure to 'John it will evaluate to 'symbol. The idea 
> of the procedure is to check the "type" of the given item, which is not 
> decided aprior. If I give it 'John I know it is a symbol.
> May be my question should be formulated as this: Since John is not a pair, 
> an empty-list, a number, not a symbol, why the execution doesn't proceed to 
> the else expression no matter what John is, unless you are telling me that
> the item given to the procedure is evaluated first.

Perhaps you meant to define John before:

(define John '(1 2 3))
(type-of John) => 'pair

Since type-of is a procedure, this means that when it is applied, it's
arguments will be evaluated during application. Evaluating a symbol
which is not defined will result in an error.

Jack M. Rosenthal

A virtual filesystem? I don't know what you are trying to achieve,
but there's probably a better way.
    -- Me

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