Thanks Jon.

yes. I did, and you are right. I posted the same question a Google+ forum 
(, and I 
also got a reply that:
"John is being parsed as a variable, and thus, its binding is looked up in 
the local environment. Of course, there is none, hence the error."

- Hassan

On Sunday, January 13, 2019 at 7:52:53 AM UTC+2, Jon Zeppieri wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 12:37 AM Hassan Shahin < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Thanks Jack and Mike!
>> You are right. Arguments to procedures will be evaluated before the 
>> invocation of the procedure. 
> This is true, but it's not really the issue in your case. Even in #lang 
> lazy, which does not eagerly evaluate procedure arguments, your program 
> would still be an error, because the expression `John` has no meaning at 
> all unless you define it. Try the following in both #lang racket and #lang 
> lazy:
> --- definitions window ---
> #lang lazy ;; or racket
> (define type-of (lambda (item other-message)
>                   (cond
>                     [(pair? item) 'pair]
>                     [(null? item) 'empty-list]
>                     [(number? item) 'number]
>                     [(symbol? item) 'symbol]
>                     [else
>                      other-message
>                      'some-other-type])))
> --- interactions window ---
> (type-of #\e (displayln "hello"))
> (type-of (cons 2 3) (displayln "hello"))
> (type-of John (displayln "hello"))
> ---
> The `John` example will fail in both languages, but you'll observe the 
> difference with the other two examples.
> - Jon

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