On Saturday, January 12, 2019 8:34:35 PM PST Hassan Shahin wrote:
> I have this definition for a procedure:
> (define type-of (lambda (item)
>                          (cond
>                            [(pair? item) 'pair]
>                            [(null? item) 'empty-list]
>                            [(number? item) 'number]
>                            [(symbol? item) 'symbol]
>                            [else 'some-other-type])))
> My understanding is that if the first 4 conditions fail (=> #f
> <https://plus.google.com/s/%23f/posts>), then the last expression (the else
> expression) is evaluated.
> When I apply this procedure to John, as in (type-of John) I get an error
> (; john: undefined; ; cannot reference an identifier before its definition)
> .
> What is going on?
> Thanks

The issue is that John is evaluated before it is passed to type-of. For 
example, the expression (type-of (+ 2 3)) is equivalent to (type-of 5), 
because the expression (+ 2 3) is evaluated to 5 before it is supplied to the 
type-of function.

In the Google+ post you write "cond behaves as if (not evaluating its 
arguments)". It is true that the arguments to cond, i.e. [(pair? item) 'pair], 
[(null? item) 'empty-list], and so on are not immediately evaluated. However, 
item is evaluated before it is passed to type-of, hence the "cannot reference" 

See https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/if.html and 
https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/eval-model.html?q=evaluation%20model for 
more information 
about how Racket evaluates expressions.

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