On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 21:38:49 +0200, Dexter Lagan
<dexterla...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Thanks so much for your reply, it's very nice to see another perspective. I
>added specific comments below :
>They say that Racket is slow. I would like to know who are "they".
>  Same here, never had a problem, but I do understand there may be
>requirements for real-time apps and system programming. Everything I said
>about performance really should be put into the context of wider
>acceptance. I don't look at benchmarks, but all of my colleagues do, and
>that deeply saddens me. Being a better tool isn't necessarily just being a
>faster tool, but performance attracts people and businesses.

My suspicion is that they are comparing to something like Python's
IDLE, which in fairness IS more responsive than DrRacket ... but it
also does much less.  

It might be interesting to compare DrRacket built with RacketCS and
see if its performance is significantly different.

>  If there was two things I'd love to look at, performance-wise - and they
>aren't related to Racket itself - it would be the 2-3s lock-up I get after
>opening DrRacket. I can type a line of code, and everything locks up for a
>few seconds before I can type again. It's nothing big, but it's so annoying
>that I'm considering downloading the source tree and hack at it. 

I can't say for certain, but I think it's due to garbage collection.
DrRacket pulls in and JITs a lot of code at startup. If you watch the
memory use (at the bottom), you'll see that after startup it increases
for quite a while (~10 seconds on my machine) before peaking and
falling back to some "base" level (that it never goes below).  If you
start typing before the memory use stabilizes, it seems triggers a
major collection.

>The other
>problem I'm encountering is the relatively slow scrolling / navigation,
>again in DrRacket. I usually disable all the plugins, and sometimes even
>debugging to get smoother performance.

I haven't noticed this particular problem, but perhaps my typical
source files aren't large enough to manifest it.


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