> They say that Racket is slow. I would like to know who are "they". 
> Racket can be surprising. For example - our GUI application on RPi has a 
> start-up time of 24s... But when we compile it using `raco exe`, it goes 
> down under 2s including some hardware setup the program does. Usually 
> the slow startup times are caused by not using compiled byte-code. 
> As I have mentioned a few times on this list, I am working on a side 
> project right now which pushes Racket to its limits and let's say that 
> the results might look impossible to many people. Full 3D rendering 
> pipeline in pure Racket with no external libraries (no OpenGL, no SDL, 
> just pure Racket) which can run at 60fps FullHD kind of beats the 
> argument "Racket is slow".

I would be very interested in understanding how you've been able to achieve 
this and look at  the code as well if possible. I'm working right now on a 
machine learning toolkit that could use performance boosts.


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