I totally agree with Andy, the makeall script is still drop-dead simple for Mac 
and Linux users. That said, the CMake system adds functionality, mainly the 
Windows bit, but I see others (Denny included) are trying to use it to generate 
RPMs and other things. I think this is FANTASTIC, and I want to encourage this 
use of the system. Thanks for trying it out, and thank for reporting your 
issues and fixes. I will try my best to get these implemented in a widely 
compatible way, but it may have to wait until I get my support contract with 
Kitware renewed. =8-)

Rob Guglielmetti
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Commercial Buildings Research Group
15013 Denver West Parkway MS:RSF202
Golden, CO 80401

On 10/25/12 11:12 AM, "Andrew McNeil" <amcn...@lbl.gov<mailto:amcn...@lbl.gov>> 

Hi Denny,

I want to know more about why you're using cmake.  The cmake build system was 
added by NREL as part of their quest to provide windows installers.  If you're 
using cmake because you want to try it out and work out all the kinks, then 
carry on.

If your goal is to install a working HEAD version of Radiance on a linux os, 
then you are probably better served using the makeall script. The makeall 
script is the most reliable build option for unix type operating systems (since 
that is what the Greg uses).  Also, makeall.sh is updated by Greg when he adds 
new programs - cmake updates take longer because NREL needs to do them, and 
pass them back to Greg.  Someday cmake might be the preferred build platform 
for Radiance, but for now if you're using Linux, you're better off with 
makeall.sh.  You can follow these instructions (written for compiling on mac). 
Ignore the first step - installing xcode.


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Denny 
<lum...@googlemail.com<mailto:lum...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

Dear all,

when compiling with static libraries, I get a dependency error when the program 
gets packaged for rpm:





and therefor a dependency is automatically generated for it, which is not 

Solution (if wish is still needed):

Replace the line with


which will create a dependency a tk package meets.



Am Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012, 10:36:47 schrieb Guglielmetti, Robert:

> Hi Denny,


> Yeah there really isn't any documentation on the NREL site on how to

> actually use the CMake build system in the Radiance source tree, yet. Pally

> at IESve wrote up a great summary of her experience using CMake and posted

> it here a couple/few months ago.


> Sounds like you have CMake on your system. The quick bullet list of steps I

> do is as follows:


> 1. create build directory in ray/

> 2. cd ray/build

> 3. cmake ..

> 4. ccmake .

> 4a. In the ccmake "gui", type 'c' to configure, fix any errors found

> 4b. Type 'g' to generate themakefiles; ccmake will then exit

> 5. make

> if all goes well, then:

> 6. sudo make install


> Lemme know if that helps.


> - Rob


> ________________________________________

> From: Denny [lum...@googlemail.com<mailto:lum...@googlemail.com>]

> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:10 AM

> To: radiance-dev@radiance-online.org<mailto:radiance-dev@radiance-online.org>

> Subject: [Radiance-dev] compile radiance HEAD 3332 with cmake on command

> line / linux


> Dear all,


> I tried to compile radiance HEAD 3332 from source (snapshot) on an openSUSE

> 12.2 64bit box with cmake 2.8.9; gcc 4.7.1, but don't get a working version

> of radiance.


> As I couldn't find much documentation on the cmake build for radiance and I

> haven't used cmake much, It would be good to get some guidance.


> Here is what I did:


> 1. Untar src


> /> tar xvf radiance-HEAD-ecd3332.tar.gz


> 2. change into directory and call cmake


> />cd radiance-HEAD-ecd3332


> />cmake src/


> Everything looks good, except for the following warning:


> CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:


> No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as


> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)


> should be added at the top of the file. The version specified may be lower


> if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project. For more


> information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000".


> This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.


> 3. Build binaries from source


> />make -i


> 4. Install


> />make install -i


> Following things I noticed:


> 1. Build fails when not using -i with make, as there are many issues

> regarding a missing Version.c file, like:




> [ 37%] Built target genworm


> [ 37%] Generating /src/rt/Version.c


> CMake Error: Error processing file:/src/rt/create_version.cmake


> make[2]: *** [/src/rt/Version.c] Error 1


> make[1]: *** [rt/CMakeFiles/radiance.dir/all] Error 2


> make: *** [all] Error 2


> 2. There is no build/ directory created when building that holds the

> resulting binaries etc.


> Questions:


> 1. Is there anything obvious, I should do differently?


> 2. How do I install executables etc. to /usr/ rather than /usr/local/ e.g

> /usr/bin or /usr/share/radiance/ etc. without patching the sources/cmake

> files?


> Thanks for your help.


> Denny


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