Yes, I think the coincident suns trick should work.  Did you try it?  It's only 
valid for distant sources -- anything else would give unreliable results, since 
local sources cast shadows from one another.


> From: Andy McNeil <>
> Subject: Re: [Radiance-dev] direct sampling behavior
> Date: September 17, 2015 12:17:09 PM PDT
> Could I test the relative speed by rendering a scene with 64 coincident suns 
> of 1/64th the radiance? 
> Actually, if this works, it might be a suitable solution for us picky 
> penumbra people.
> Andy
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Gregory J. Ward <> 
> wrote:
> Dear Picky Penumbra People (Andy):
> It's difficult to say for sure without implementing such an option, but the 
> source sampling often dominates the calculation time to the point where you 
> might not gain much over your current approach.  Increasing image resolution 
> adds some minor costs for the initial ray casting from the view point, and 
> some calculation time looking up and interpolating values from the ambient 
> cache (assuming you are using that), but those are pretty nominal.  Your 
> biggest gains for multiple source sampling would come from scenes with only 
> one or two light sources.
> One thing to bear in mind is that lights that are either sphere or source 
> types don't know how to subdivide, so the -ds option doesn't do what it 
> should for those emitters.  Otherwise, you can get better penumbras by 
> reducing your -ds value to some small (non-zero) value in addition to using 
> -dj 1.
> Cheers,
> -Greg
>> From: Andy McNeil <>
>> Subject: [Radiance-dev] direct sampling behavior
>> Date: September 17, 2015 11:04:22 AM PDT
>> Hi Radiance Developers (Greg),
>> I often find myself oversampling an image by as much as 8 times to render 
>> smooth penumbras. I wonder if it would make sense to add an option to 
>> Radiance that would allow users to force additional direct samples when they 
>> want nice penumbras (assuming that -dj is non-zero). Then when I want a 
>> final image that is 1200x800 I don't need to render it at 9600x6400 and 
>> filter it down, I could render at 1200x800 and request 64 direct samples per 
>> light source to get the same smooth penumbras.  
>> Would this actually help me, or is the time difference between rendering 
>> 9600x6400 with 1 direct sample to rendering 1200x800 with 64 direct samples 
>> negligible?
>> Andy
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