As to your page types, I was kind of surprised to see your "grouping 
page."  I plan to develop an extension shortly for a project that might 
line up with your grouping.  I'll share it here in case it actually is a 
more generally usable concept than I thought.

I apologize in advance for all the lead-in...

I have a website that is collecting stats on various cities in the 
region.  Since these stats may be used on multiple pages and the data 
changes from year to year, I plan on sticking them in the db and calling 
them from custom tags within static pages.

For example:

\Cities (index page)
   \City A (static content plus stats from db)
      \Map (static content plus map built from db)
      \Chart (static content plus charts from db)
   \City B (static content plus stats from db)
      \Map (static content plus map built from db)
      \Chart (static content plus charts from db)

Essentially I'm grouping cities together here.

I'm planning to make an extension to set the property for each city page 
based on choices within the db (i.e city="City A").  It's children would 
inherit this property.

Now, I obviously need to build my own tags/extend radiant for each of 
the dynamic pieces (stats, maps, and charts).  That way, in the chart 
page I could just insert <r:chart city="current" />.

Why be this fancy?  I have multiple categories (cities, counties, school 
districts, etc.) -- all of which can overlap in weird ways.

Now I'm wondering if it's actually a unique need.  I'd be happy to 
develop a public extension if I thought anyone other than me would use 
it.  Any takers?

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