On Jun 11, 2008, at 8:40 PM, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:
2. radiant internal method for extension developers to be able to create documentation for their parts [Sean]

I think Sean will clarify too, but radiant-help currently allows you to create documentation to display in the admin interface about your extensions. Sean is working an extension registry which will have some very cool features if he can get them all done (but I'll leave the details to him). At one point this was the "accents" application in Radiant trunk, but judging by a quick glance at that code, he's building something else somewhere else.

So, here's what I'm going to try to do. I made a list of topics that I would like to see as part of the documentation, roughly organized by topic. When I get back home from work tonight, I'll try to type that in and email it out just to share my ideas with you. I know that there will be many things that could be debated in that list but it may serve as a reference (even if it is trashed).

That would be awesome. It'll at least help me write the docs for radiant-help to see how others want it organized.

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