Very nice, Mohit. If everyone can approve of this as starting outline for Radiant documentation, I suggest you put into a page in the wiki. Then we can add our names to the sections we would to like write, and add further sections we think is needed.


On 13/06/2008, at 20:18, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

Jim Gay wrote:
So, here's what I'm going to try to do. I made a list of topics that I would like to see as part of the documentation, roughly organized by topic. When I get back home from work tonight, I'll try to type that in and email it out just to share my ideas with you. I know that there will be many things that could be debated in that list but it may serve as a reference (even if it is trashed).

That would be awesome. It'll at least help me write the docs for radiant-help to see how others want it organized.

Hi Guys

Sorry for the delay in pushing this out. This is roughly the first draft of the plan that I had. This is not split up into the sections that I had mentioned. I think some of these can be mixed and matched into the different sections. In general, this targets a person who is starting with Radiant but is actually a developer. I'm sure there's plenty more that can/ should go in, but I'm just passing this as a starting point.

6/14/2008 | 2:17 AM.

1. Installation & First Steps
 * Downloading & Installing Radiant - gem, svn, git, edge
 * Getting Started I - "Hello world" with Radiant
 * Planning your site (what are layouts, snippets, pages, page parts)
 * Getting Started II
   - Improved Stylesheets
   - Using Layouts & Snippets
   - Filters & Using Textile
 * Themes
   - Why are there no themes for Radiant?
   - Using the 'Hemingway' Radiant them?
   - Who does themes?   (Radiant pros)
 * Introduction to the Admin UI and Users
 * Installing your first extension (PageAttachments?)
 * Improved Stylesheet/ Script management (SnS)
* Deploying your first site (general tips with guidance to specific host articles)

2. Common Tasks & Extensions
 * Migrating from other sites - Wordpress, Mephisto, etc.
 * Understanding tags & Radius
 * Getting Started III - Meta tags & Date of publishing
* PageAttachments - Installations, providing downloads and linking to images/ thumbnails
 * Beyond HTML - providing a simple RSS feed for your site
 * Customizations - Time zone
 * Gallery - Image galleries
 * WYSIWIG Editors - WymEditor, FckEditor
 * Sitemap
 * Import/ Export
 * Using Radiant as a blog
 * Search Extension

3. Writing your Own Extension
 * Creating an extension I - Adding tags (and some useful tags)
* Creating an extension II - Adding a tab in Admin UI (and what is shards?)
 * Creating an extension III - Modifying the Page UI from an extension

4. Additional Configurations & Advanced Admin
 * Previewing Radiant Pages (developer viewing)
 * Multi-site Extension (why and how)
 * Customizations II - Admin title, etc.
 * Skinning the Admin UI
 * Installing to a sub-domain
 * Installing to a sub-directory
 * Dealing with Caching

5. Commonly Used Extensions
 * Copy and Move
 * Reorder
 * Featured Pages
 * Mailer
 * Syntax Highlighter
 * Calendar/ Events
 * RSS Aggregator
 * Comments
 * Multiple RSS feeds from the content
 * Scheduler Extension
 * Newsletter

6. Advanced Topics (few solutions yet)
 * Versioning the content
 * Tagging & Rating Content
 * Multiple Languages
 * Migrating from SQLite to MySQL/ other database
 * Staging Extension (and ideas on how to do it)
 * Protecting the data
 * Setting up user access/ passwords
 * Integrating with Rails
 * Providing end-user help (radiant_help)

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