On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Lindsay Morris <lmorris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I tried another installer:
>   git clone git://github.com/squaretalent/radiant-forms-extension
> vendor/extensions/forms
> That seemed happy, and I now have a vendor/extensions/forms directory.  Yay!
> Then:
> rake radiant:extensions:forms:migrate
> blew up like this:
> /home/lindsay/rails_apps/radiant/config/environment.rb:13
>   config.gem 'radiant-forms-extension'

it looks like you're mixing the two types of extension installation;
vendor/extensions/xyz and installed as a gem. you only need to do one
or the other and since it looks like gems were not working remove the
`config.gem 'radiant-forms-extension' line. then re-run the
installation task(s).

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