Which version of radiant do you have installed?
gem list (and you'll see radiant's version next to its name in parens). I'm
suspecting it's 8, as that seems to be a 9 version diff.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Lindsay Morris <lmorris...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Very helpful.  Two different install techniques.  I had no idea.
> So I took the config.gem line away, and ran
> [lind...@gator634 ~/rails_apps/radiant]$ rake
> radiant:extensions:forms:migrate
> (in /home/lindsay/rails_apps/radiant)
> rake aborted!
> undefined method `tab' for #<FormsExtension:0xb6dd3f90>
> What's next?
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:23 PM, Jim Gay <j...@saturnflyer.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Lindsay Morris <lmorris...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Jim, when I added "config.gem ..", the app wouldn't start; complained
>>> "gem not installed".
>>> Which makes sense since there's no vendor/extensions/forms directory.
>> You misunderstand. It would say "gem not installed" if the user trying to
>> start the application didn't have access to that gem.
>>> Trying Anna's advice:
>>>    script/extension install forms
>>> fails: "git was compiled without libcurl support".
>>> I can't be root on this box.
>>> So I tried another installer:
>>>   git clone 
>>> git://github.com/squaretalent/radiant-forms-extensionvendor/extensions/forms
>>> That seemed happy, and I now have a vendor/extensions/forms directory.
>>> Yay!
>>> Then:
>>> rake radiant:extensions:forms:migrate
>>> blew up like this:
>>>  rake radiant:extensions:forms:migrate
>>> (in /home/lindsay/rails_apps/radiant)
>>> no such file to load -- radiant-forms-extension
>>> /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in
>>> `gem_original_require'
>>> /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
>>> <snip>
>>> /home/lindsay/rails_apps/radiant/config/environment.rb:13
>>> <snip>
>>> So I look at line 13 in my environment.rb, and it says (comments
>>> stripped):
>>> Radiant::Initializer.run do |config|
>>>   config.action_controller.session = {
>>>     :session_key => '_radiant_session',
>>>     :secret      => 'asdfdferfxcoivswqenadfasdfqewpfioutyqwel'
>>>   }
>>>   config.gem 'radiant-forms-extension'
>>> [more]
>>> More advice please?
>> If you have the extension in vendor/extensions, then there is no need for
>> the "config.gem" line.
>> If you have the gem installed, then you should not need the extension in
>> vendor/extensions.
>> These are 2 separate ways to install the extension:
>> - config.gem 'radiant-forms-extension' :lib => false
>> - or source in vender/extensions/forms
>> It sounds like you don't have things setup properly to use it as a gem.
>> Since you have the source in vendor/extensions/forms now, you should be able
>> to remove the config.gem line and be on your way.
>> When gems are loaded, radiant will look for a file of the same name in
>> lib. So if you install the "radiant-forms-extension" gem, the application
>> will look inside that code for a file in lib/radiant-forms-extension.rb.
>> This "radiant-forms-extension" gem doesn't have that file, so you'd tell
>> radiant not to look for it by typing: config.gem "radiant-forms-extension",
>> :lib => false
>> Otherwise, if the file did exist in this gem, you wouldn't need :lib =>
>> false
>> Is this helpful?
>>> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Jim Gay <j...@saturnflyer.com> wrote:
>>>> Please reread my previous reply.
>>>> You've installed the gem and that's it. There is nothing telling your
>>>> application to use it.
>>>> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Lindsay Morris 
>>>> <lmorris...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> I used hostgator's cpanel web interface to install it.
>>>>> There is no vendor/extensions/forms directory.
>>>>> So I ran "gem install radiant-forms-extension"; it seemed to work:
>>>>> [lind...@gator634 ~/rails_apps/radiant]$ gem install
>>>>> radiant-forms-extension
>>>>> Successfully installed radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1
>>>>> 1 gem installed
>>>>> Installing ri documentation for radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1...
>>>>> Installing RDoc documentation for radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1...
>>>>> But there's still no forms directory anywhere.
>>>>> [lind...@gator634 ~/rails_apps/radiant]$ find / -name forms
>>>>> /home/lindsay/ruby/gems/gems/radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1/spec/lib/forms
>>>>> /home/lindsay/ruby/gems/gems/radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1/app/views/admin/forms
>>>>> /home/lindsay/ruby/gems/gems/radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1/lib/forms
>>>>> /home/lindsay/ruby/gems/doc/radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1/rdoc/files/lib/forms
>>>>> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1/rdoc/files/lib/forms
>>>>> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1/spec/lib/forms
>>>>> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1/lib/forms
>>>>> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/radiant-forms-extension-2.0.1/app/views/admin/forms
>>>>> Is it supposed to be "gems/gems" above (line 2)?
>>>>> Is it using the wrong directory? radiant starts from
>>>>> /home/lindsay/rails_apps/radiant.
>>>>> Maybe I need to tweak this line in my config/environment.rb BEFORE I
>>>>> run gem install?
>>>>> (It's commented out at present.)
>>>>> #ENV['GEM_PATH'] = '/home/lindsay/ruby/gems:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8'
>>>>> Thanks for any advice...
>>>>>  On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 12:14 AM, Jim Gay <j...@saturnflyer.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Lindsay,
>>>>>> How did you install the radiant-forms-extension? Was it just by doing
>>>>>> "gem install radiant-forms-extension"? And if so did you add
>>>>>> "config.gem 'radiant-forms-extension'" to your config/environment.rb?
>>>>>> If you did the first step but not the second, then you didn't "install" 
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> into your app.
>>>> --
>>>> Jim Gay
>>>> Saturn Flyer LLC
>>>> http://www.saturnflyer.com
>>>> 571-403-0338
>>> --
>>> Lindsay Morris
>> --
>> Jim Gay
>> Saturn Flyer LLC
>> http://www.saturnflyer.com
>> 571-403-0338
> --
> Lindsay Morris

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