I am running an identical radius.cfg file and external perl program in radius 2.13 and radius 2.15 and my results are quite different.   In radius 2.13 it functions properly and denies all access...  however in radius 2.15 it is accepting all access.   I checked the log file and it is giving an

Mon Apr  3 04:13:30 2000: DEBUG: Running command: /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/etc/$
Mon Apr  3 04:13:30 2000: ERR: Bad attribute=value pair: 1
Mon Apr  3 04:13:30 2000: DEBUG: Access accepted for usa1000@usa 
The Handler is below:
<Handler Called-Station-Id=/3099028/>
        <AuthBy EXTERNAL>
        Command /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/etc/raddb/removal.pl %{User-Name} %{Called-Station-Id}
I made a simple removal.pl for this example and here is what it says:
print "1";   # this should deny access
Any ideas?
Dialup USA, Inc.

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